Punti di diamante

Legal Exits offered to relinquish officially & legally our “Diamond Resorts” Points membership.  They were able to get my wife & myself out of our “Diamond Resorts” membership quickly after…
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Club Velas Vallarta

Äntligen är vi klara med Timeshare! Vi blev både av med ett oönskat Timeshare ägarskap, sparar 500€ extra per år och kan resa billigt via Legal Exits (dotterbolag till Legal…
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Efter 2 år utan några resultat, 1 samtal med Legal Exits fick oss på glatt humör igen. De sa att ärendet skulle ta upp till 6 månader, ärendet avslutades framgångsrikt…
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villaggio scandinavo

I had 15 good years at Scandinavian Village in Scotland, but when we moved to Spain to retire we no longer had the need for it. We contacted our resort…
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I could no longer afford my timeshare as the maintenance fees increased so much. I tried to sell it thought the resort but after 4 years, I realised no one…
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