I was trapped paying more than £550 per year for a timeshare that I was unable to use. Legal Exits terminated the contract in less than 4 weeks and now I have received confirmation from my resort!
I bought 2 timeshare weeks in Spain with a company called Sunterra which is now Diamond Resorts. I had great holidays but I do not travel any more. Diamond told me that if I break the contract it would cost me 5 years maintenance fees. I contacted Legal Exits and they were very helpful. I am now out of my timeshare and it cost me half what Diamond wanted.
I bought my timeshare whilst we stopped on a cruise in Thailand. The resort was lovely, but in reality we would not be holidaying for 1 week in Asia. We owned if for 6 years and never used it once. Legal Exits got us out of our contract and we no longer need to pay the management fees.
Vi er ekstremt takknemlige for Legal Exits, spesielt vår kjære venn Mike Farhoud. De har virkelig
gjort alt for å få oss ut av vårt Timeshare-medlemskap i Hellas raskt og greit. Vi sluttet å bruke
medlemskapet for flere år siden på grunn av sykdom, og vi satt fast med å betale årlige avgifter. Vi
sparer nå £ 850 i året, vi kan bruke disse pengene sammen med barnebarna!
Vi var bägge väldigt tveksamma samt vi hade aldrig hört talas om Legal Exits på Teneriffa.
Efter flera samtal med Madeleine och regelbundna uppdateringar om ärendets gång, kände vi oss i
säkerhet. Bästa valet vi någonsin gjort! Vi är extremt tacksamma för Madeleine och hela Legal Exits
Teamet och vi kommer garanterat att rekommendera dem till alla vi känner.
Flera samtal från olika bolag, men Nils från Legal Exits erbjöd oss någonting ingen annan gjort,
2 veckor ner till Teneriffa för ett personligt möte med Nils och Mike. Under vår semester blev vi
samtidigt uttagna från Silverpoint, rekordtid skulle vi påpeka! Om 5 år har vi profiterat 3.250€.
I could no longer afford my timeshare as the maintenance fees increased so much. I tried to sell it thought the resort but after 4 years, I realised no one was interested and I stopped paying the £700 a year listing fees. Viking have got me out of the timeshare and I can now enjoy my retirement with no financial burdens.
I had 15 good years at Scandinavian Village in Scotland, but when we moved to Spain to retire we no longer had the need for it. We contacted our resort and was told that our contract was in perpetuity, and it would cost us £8,000 to exit. We contacted Legal Exits, and they got us out of our timeshare contract in 3 weeks.
Efter 2 år utan några resultat, 1 samtal med Legal Exits fick oss på
glatt humör igen. De sa att ärendet skulle ta upp till 6 månader, ärendet avslutades framgångsrikt
efter 3 veckor! De bjöd även ner oss för 1 vecka kostnadsfritt boende !!
Äntligen är vi klara med Timeshare! Vi blev både av med ett oönskat Timeshare ägarskap, sparar 500€
extra per år och kan resa billigt via Legal Exits (dotterbolag till Legal Exits). Inga klagomål från oss.
Legal Exits offered to relinquish officially & legally our “Diamond Resorts” Points membership. They were able to get my wife & myself out of our “Diamond Resorts” membership quickly after I provided the required information. I received a notification letter from “Diamond Resorts” stating that we were officially out of our “Diamond” membership
No more annually increasing Management Fees to pay now or ever again!